Fundamental concepts

There are different drilling systems; the first distinction to make is between the spin drilling and the rotopercussion. The spin drilling is worther than the rotopercussion because it is less destructive, more silent and needs less energy to work, but it involves a certain workman’s “sensitivity and experience” and the pure-advancement services are slightly disavantageous. The choice between these two possibilities depends on different elements.
If it is required a borehole or a core avoiding vibrations and powders, it is necessary the spin drilling. Carried out this choice, it is indispensable to know if it is required a simply borehole (non-coring drilling and/or core boring) or if the purpose is the analysis of the core (core boring drilling). There are many kind of spin drilling and each of them has its own peculiarity: the execution speed, the possibility to catch up determinate depths, the guaranty of the core recuperation, the possibility of not contaminating the core with the drilling fluid, etc..
Finally, for the optimisation of any drilling system, it is indispensable to use the most suitable cutting tool for the equipments and the conditions of the soil which is going to be drilled.
The following tables will be helpfull for the choice of the drilling system and will provide you with informations about the main characteristics of the available cutting tools.





Selection chart

Non-coring drilling

ˇ Possibility to reach high depths.

 ˇ It avoids problems connected with the production of the core: the extractions and the wedgings of the battery during the drilling.

ˇ It is not as efficient as the core boring with hard materials (for exemple those materials containing quartz).

  ˇ It does not permit the recuperation of the core (eventual analysis on the drilled material can be done on the cuttings and advancement parameters).

ˇ Any kind of drilling that does not require the production of core.

ˇ Boreholes for tie rods in damaged buildings.

ˇ Boreholes for injections of grouting or resins for soil consolidations.

ˇ Boreholes for the passage of diamond threads.

ˇ Boreholes for the introduction of explosifs.





Selection chart

Thin wall diamond bits

ˇ  Thin cutting section 2/5 mm

ˇ  Standard diameters from 8 to 1500 mm.

ˇ  Possibility to chose between wet or dry drilling.

ˇ  Cutting depth 500 mm (max 3/4 m with extensions)

ˇ  No previewed systems for the breaking and the extraction of the core.

ˇ  Drilling of concretes, asphalts, tiles, floor tiles, any kind of masonries.

ˇ  Drilling of marbles, granites and stone materials.

ˇ  Drilling of refractory materials.

ˇ  Boreholes for dowellings.

ˇ  Boreholes for the passage of tubes and/or cables.

ˇ  Boreholes for controlled demolitions.

ˇ  Withdrawal of samples for laboratories.

Continuous Coring System

ˇ  Cutting section 6/7 mm.

ˇ  Standard diameters from 20 to 300 mm.

ˇ  It avoids manoeuvres for the extraction of the core.

ˇ  Possibility to chose between wet or dry drilling.

ˇ  Cutting depth max 30 m according to the diameter and the material to be drilled.

ˇ  The core is in contact with the drilling fluid and with the drill rod in rotation.

ˇ  Boreholes for tie rods in damaged walls.

ˇ  Boreholes for injections of grouting or resins for soil consolidations.

ˇ  Boreholes for the analysis of the core.

ˇ  Boreholes for the passage of tubes and/or cables.

ˇ  Boreholes for the passage of diamond threads and pulleys.

ˇ  Boreholes for the introduction of explosifs.



ˇ  Strong for hard conditions of work.

ˇ  Standard diameters from 46 to 146 mm

ˇ  The core is in contact with the drilling fluid and with the drill rod in rotation.

ˇ  Necessity of effectuing manoeuvres every 1.5 and 3 m to empty the core barrel.

ˇ  Borings at little-medium depths in the geotechnical, geological and environmental sectors.


ˇ  The core is not in contact with the drilling fluid and with the external tube in rotation.

ˇ  Possibility of different varyings for specific applications (T2, T6, T6S, D, etc..)

ˇ  Standard diameters from 46 to 146 mm.

ˇ  Necessity of effectuing manoeuvres every 1.5 and 3 m to empty the core barrel.

ˇ  Borings at little-medium depths in the geotechnical, geological, environmental and mining research sectors.

ˇ  They are used when it is required a high percentage of core recuperation.

ˇ  They are used when it is required a not disturbed core.


ˇ  The core is not in contact with the drilling fluid and with the external tube in rotation.

ˇ  Possibility of reaching hundreds meters of depth.

ˇ  The core can be quickly recuperated without any manoeuvre.

ˇ  The borehole is covered by staffs, avoiding sliding down.

ˇ  Standard diameters from 47.7 to 146 mm.

ˇ  The workman needs a specific preparation.

ˇ  High beginning investment.

ˇ  Feelers need to be properly equipped.

ˇ  Borings at high depths in the geotechnical, geological,environmental and mining research sectors.

ˇ  They are used when it is required a high percentage of core recuperation.

ˇ  They are used when it is required a not disturbed core.





Selection chart

Hard metal tools

Tools with a hard metal sharp, braze-welded on a steel support.

Available in 3 qualities and geometries (prism, octagonal, small-plates, spherical buttons, etc..)

Suitable only for tender or melted materials.

PCD Tools (polycristalline)

Tools with a PCD sharp (polycrystalline) with a hard metal support for the braze-welding.

Available in different qualities and geometries (cylinders, parallelepipeds etc..).

Suitable for the cutting of tender and medium-hard materials.

PCD Tools

Tools with a PCD sharp (polycrystalline)surface set

Available in different qualities and geometries (cubes, parallelepipeds etc..).

Suitable for the cutting of medium-hard materials.

Set Tools

Tools with natural diamond sharps set on the cutting surface.

Available in different sizes (dimensions of the diamond) according to the application.

Suitable for the cutting of tender and medium-hard materials; hard if not fractured.

They produce cores with an optimal finishing degree

Utensili impregnati

Tools with sharps composed by synthetic powder of diamond.

Available in different tipologies according to the application.

Suitable for the cutting of hard materials also in conditions of extreme fracturation..

They produce cores with an optimal finishing degree

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